ICROM 3.0-2024

THIRD International Conference on Recent Trends in Multidisciplinary  Research 2024

ICROM 3.0- 2024

Third International Conference on Recent Trends in Multidisciplinary  Research 2024

Organized By

Eudoxia Research University, New Castle, USA


Eudoxia Research Centre, India

The Biggest International Multidisciplinary Conference

Glimpses of the Last Conference ICROM 2023

2 + 6 =

Agenda of ICROM 3.0 2024: Click below to download the complete Agenda

Agenda ICROM_2024

Central Organizing Committee of ICROM 3.0-2024:


Prof. Dr. Rhituraj Saikia, President, Eudoxia Research University, USA


Prof. Dr. Caleb Moyo, VC, Eudoxia Research University, USA


Prof. Dr. Rajesh G Konnur, Pro- VC, Eudoxia Research University, New Castle, USA, Director, Eudoxia Research Centre, Bangalore, Mumbai, Guwahati, India

Organizing Secretary:

Dr. Rey Ty, Department of Peace Studies, Payap University, Thailand

Dr. Pratisha Kumari, Vice President, Eudoxia Research University, New Castle, USA


Dr. Sukhwinder Singh,

Registrar, Eudoxia Research University, USA, Eudoxia Research Centre, New Delhi, India

Dr. Marichu Cruz Sta Ana, Professor, Philippine Christian University, Philippine.

Important Dates:

Date of Conference: 26th April (Friday) and 27th April (Saturday) 2024

Acceptance of Abstract: Final result will be declared within three days from the date of submission of the Abstract.

Last Date of Submission of Abstract: 23rd April 2024

Last Date of Submission of Full Paper: 29th April 2024

Last Date of Early Bird Registration: 21st April 2024

Last Date of Regular Registration: 25th April 2024

Last Date of Submission of Abstract: 23rd April 2024 (08.00 pm as per IST)

Free Book Publication:

“Beyond Boundaries: The Future of World Research”

Guidelines for Submission of Abstracts:

  • Relevant and complete title (ideally maximum up to 16 words)
  • Full Names, Affiliations, Emails of author(s)
  • Research Abstract (ideally 150-300 words)
  • 3 to 5 Keywords

Abstract Submission e-mail:

Guidelines for Submission of Abstracts:

  • Relevant and complete title (ideally maximum up to 16 words)
  • Full Names, Affiliations, Emails of author(s)
  • Research Abstract (ideally 150-300 words)
  • 3 to 5 Keywords

Multidisciplinary International Conference

ICROM 3.0-2024

The Biggest Live Multidisciplinary International Conference

ICROM 3.0-2024

ICROM 3.0-2024 is a beacon for those eager to learn, to challenge their preconceptions, and to contribute to the broader body of knowledge. It encourages them to look beyond their own field of study, to understand the interconnectedness of our world, and to use this understanding to guide their future work. ICROM 3.0-2024 is more than just a conference – it is an embodiment of the values of interdisciplinary learning, international cooperation, and a commitment to addressing our world’s most pressing problems. By fostering a space where ideas can flow freely, where disciplinary borders are crossed, and where the next generation of leaders is inspired, ICROM 3.0-2024 is an essential event for our global scholarly community.

Opportunities for Academicians and Researchers  (ICROM 3.0-2024)

As an academician or researcher, you are probably aware of the importance of scholarly conferences for sharing research, learning about new developments, and networking. The International Conference on Recent Trends in Multidisciplinary Research (ICROM 3.0-2024) is one such event that offers a wealth of opportunities. It is a unique platform where diverse fields intersect, promising a rich, multifaceted dialogue that transcends traditional academic boundaries.

Knowledge Sharing and Exchange

One of the foremost benefits of attending ICROM 3.0-2024 is the opportunity it presents for knowledge sharing. This conference offers academics and researchers a chance to present their work to a broad, multidisciplinary audience. By showcasing your research, you are not only contributing to the wider understanding of your field but also stimulating conversation around your work that can open new avenues for exploration.

Furthermore, ICROM 3.0-2024 is a space where scholars from across the globe share their latest research findings. Attending these presentations exposes you to advancements in your field and others, thereby expanding your understanding and allowing you to incorporate these new insights into your work.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration

ICROM 3.0-2024 promotes interdisciplinary dialogue, breaking down the silos those often separate different academic fields. The complex, interconnected problems of today’s world cannot be solved through a single lens; they require the collective effort of scholars from diverse disciplines.

At ICROM 3.0-2024, a social scientist might gain insights from a technology expert’s presentation, a humanities scholar might collaborate with a data scientist, and a management professional might find common ground with a physicist. By participating in these cross-disciplinary discussions, you have the potential to become part of groundbreaking research collaborations that tackle some of our era’s most pressing issues.

Networking Opportunities

Beyond the academic benefits, ICROM 3.0-2024 also provides significant networking opportunities. You will have the chance to connect with leading scholars and innovative thinkers in your field and others. These connections can open doors to future collaborations, mentorship opportunities, and career advancement.

Skill Enhancement

ICROM 3.0-2024 is more than just a platform for presenting research; it also offers a wealth of workshops, masterclasses, and panel discussions designed to enhance your skills. From advanced research methodologies to effective science communication, there is much to be learned that can enrich your academic practice.

Global Perspectives

In an increasingly globalized world, understanding international perspectives and trends in your field is crucial. ICROM 3.0-2024 brings together scholars from around the world, offering a unique platform to gain global insights. Engaging with these perspectives can enrich your research, teaching, and professional practice. Whether you’re an established scholar or a budding researcher, ICROM 3.0-2024 provides a golden opportunity to engage with the wider academic community. Through knowledge exchange, interdisciplinary collaboration, networking, skill enhancement, and gaining global perspectives, your participation in ICROM 3.0-2024 can significantly enrich your academic journey. It is a unique opportunity to step beyond the boundaries of your discipline, to see your work in a broader context, and to contribute to the collective effort to understand and address the challenges of our time.

The Live Multidisciplinary International Conference ICROM 2.0-2023 serves as a testament to the transformative power of attending academic conferences. By fostering cross-pollination of ideas, encouraging networking and collaboration, and promoting knowledge expansion, ICROM 2.0-2023 offers immense benefits to attendees. Through this platform, professionals from diverse backgrounds can forge connections, inspire innovation, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge and global problem-solving. By actively engaging in such conferences, individuals can shape their careers, push disciplinary boundaries, and make a meaningful impact on society.

ICROM 2.0-2023 offers an exceptional networking platform where attendees can connect with like-minded individuals, experts, and potential collaborators. Building professional relationships with peers from around the world has immense value in terms of future collaborations, research partnerships, and career advancement. It is through networking that innovative ideas find their way into practical applications and real-world solutions.

Knowledge Expansion and Professional Development: Attending ICROM 3.0-2024 provides an unparalleled platform for knowledge expansion and professional development. Through keynote speeches, panel discussions, workshops, and presentations, participants gain access to the latest research and cutting-edge advancements across multiple disciplines. The conference provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of knowledge in various fields, enabling attendees to stay at the forefront of their respective domains. Innovation often thrives at the intersection of different disciplines. Eudoxia Research University’s conferences bring together experts from various research areas, fostering an environment where interdisciplinary collaboration is encouraged. This approach can inspire new ideas and perspectives that might not have emerged within the confines of a single discipline. As an innovator, this interdisciplinary exposure can be a catalyst for groundbreaking work. Live conferences are a hotbed for the latest developments in various fields of study. Attending these events allows you to stay current with the most recent breakthroughs and trends in qualitative research, quantitative research, AI research, patents, innovations, and experimental research. Eudoxia Research University ensures that its conferences feature presentations and discussions on the forefront of these domains, providing you with invaluable insights to inform your work.

Advancing Your Academic and Professional Journey: Discover ICROM 3.0 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of academic research and professional development, the International Conference on Research in Multidisciplinary (ICROM 3.0) emerges as a pivotal platform. Hosted by the prestigious Eudoxia Research University, USA, and Eudoxia Research Centre, India, ICROM 3.0 2024 is more than a conference—it is a gateway to new possibilities, connections, and frontiers in various fields of study. This global gathering is dedicated to providing a synergistic environment for professionals, academics, and researchers to share insights, foster innovations, and transcend the traditional boundaries of knowledge.

Why Should You Attend ICROM 3.0 2024?

Career Advancement: Participation in ICROM 3.0 opens a myriad of opportunities for career enhancement. Presenting your research in front of a global audience establishes you as a serious academician or researcher in your field, setting the stage for future invitations to speak, collaborate, and publish. The exposure you gain is invaluable for advancing your career and expanding your professional footprint.

Networking with Peers and Leaders: At ICROM 3.0, attendees will engage with like-minded professionals and leading experts from around the world. These interactions can lead to fruitful collaborations, mentorship opportunities, and even job offers. Networking in such a diverse environment can provide fresh perspectives and spark innovative ideas that drive your research and professional endeavors forward.

Learning Beyond Boundaries: The conference’s multidisciplinary nature ensures a rich tapestry of content, encompassing the latest research findings, methodologies, and technological advancements across various sectors. This environment encourages participants to think outside their disciplinary confines, offering insights that can enhance their own research or professional practices.

Enhanced Research Profile: By presenting your work at ICROM 3.0, you not only contribute to your field but also enhance your academic portfolio. Publication opportunities associated with the conference can add significant value to your CV, improving your prospects for academic promotions, grants, and other recognitions.

Professional Development Workshops: ICROM 3.0 includes a range of workshops and sessions designed to hone your skills, from research methodology to effective communication and beyond. These sessions are tailored to help attendees navigate the challenges of academia and the professional world, equipping them with the tools needed for success.

Cultural and Intellectual Exchange: The conference offers a unique cultural exchange, providing a platform for attendees to showcase their cultural heritage while embracing others. This cultural richness adds an invaluable dimension to the academic experience, fostering a global community of scholars and professionals.

Who Should Attend?

ICROM 3.0 2024 is designed for individuals who aspire to stand at the forefront of their disciplines—academics, researchers, practitioners, and students across all fields who are eager to explore interdisciplinary approaches and ignite change within their industries. Whether you are seeking to broaden your academic horizons, elevate your professional status, or contribute to global discussions, ICROM 3.0 is the place to be.

Collaboration Opportunities:

ICROM 3.0-2024 fosters an environment conducive to collaborative research efforts. Interdisciplinary discussions and networking sessions create opportunities for forging partnerships with researchers from complementary disciplines. Collaborations can lead to the development of multidisciplinary projects that address complex real-world challenges. Moreover, the conference serves as a platform for researchers to connect with potential funding agencies, sponsors, and industry partners. These connections can lead to securing financial support for research projects, enabling academicians and researchers to pursue ambitious research goals and further their careers.

This LIVE International Conference on  Multidisciplinary Research (ICROM 3.0-2024) plays a vital role in the growth and development of academicians and researchers. Through knowledge exchange, exposure to cutting-edge research, professional development opportunities, publication avenues, and collaboration possibilities, ICROM 3.0-2024 empowers participants to expand their horizons, improve their research practices, and advance their careers. Attending and actively engaging in such conferences is essential for staying at the forefront of one’s field, fostering innovation, and contributing to the advancement of knowledge on a global scale.

Apply Collaboration:

ICROM 3.0-2024 offers an exceptional networking platform where attendees can connect with like-minded individuals, experts, and potential collaborators. Building professional relationships with peers from around the world has immense value in terms of future collaborations, research partnerships, and career advancement. It is through networking that innovative ideas find their way into practical applications and real-world solutions.

During the conference, attendees have the opportunity to present their research, discuss their findings, and receive feedback from experts in their respective fields. This exposure not only enhances visibility and credibility but also opens doors to future collaborations. The chance to interact with scholars and professionals who share similar research interests can lead to fruitful collaborations that transcend borders and institutional affiliations. These partnerships can foster long-term relationships, enabling individuals to undertake ambitious projects that address complex global challenges.

Call for Abstracts:

Abstracts should be submitted into:

Important Dates:

Date of Conference: 26th April (Friday) and 27th April (Saturday) 2024

Acceptance of Abstract: Final result will be declared within three days from the date of submission of the Abstract.

Last Date of Submission of Abstract: 23rd April 2024

Last Date of Submission of Full Paper: 29th April 2024

Last Date of Early Bird Registration: 21st April 2024

Last Date of Regular Registration: 25th April 2024

Last Date of Submission of Abstract: 23rd April 2024 (08.00 pm as per IST)

Free Book Publication:

“Beyond Boundaries: The Future of World Research”

Guidelines for Submission of Abstracts:

  • Relevant and complete title (ideally maximum up to 16 words)
  • Full Names, Affiliations, Emails of author(s)
  • Research Abstract (ideally 150-300 words)
  • 3 to 5 Keywords

Abstract Submission e-mail:

Scope of the International Conference: ICROM 3.0-2024

The scope of ICROM 3.0-2024 is comprised of broad selection of presentations, studies and papers gathering the more objective and recent research in the main branches of research and methodology in multidisciplinary research.

Themes including, but not limited, to:

Session 1: Engineering, Science and Technology

  • Engineering & Technology: Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Marine Engineering, Software Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Architect Engineering, Polymer Engineering, Mining Engineering, Soil Engineering, Information Engineering, Civil Engineering, Aeronautic Engineering, Biochemical Engineering, Bioinformatics Engineering, Genetic Engineering, Geo Technical Engineering, Bio Medical Engineering, Bio Mechanical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Robotics Engineering, Micro Electronics Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Material Science Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Industrial Engineering, System Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Geological Engineering, Nuclear Engineering, Photonic Engineering, Ceramics Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Applied Physics Technology, Biotechnology, Information Technology, Solar Cell Technology, Energy Storage Technology, Wind Technology, Climate Technology, Control Technology, Fire Technology, Forensic Science Technology, Ergonomics Technology, Hydrology Technology, Ocean Technology, Manufacturing Technology, Nanotechnology, Transport Technology and any other related subject of Engineering.
  • Science: Astrophysics, Atmospheric Science, Astronomy, Botany, Cosmology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Quantum Science, Earth Science, Ecology, Oceanography, Geology, Meteorology, Life Science, Space Science, Zoology, Nano Science, Medical Science, Computer Science, material Science, Solar Science, Bio Science, Agricultural Science, psychological Science, Statistics, Energy Science, Food Science, Renewable Energy Science, Horticulture, Fishery Science, Entomology Science, Floriculture, Tissue Science, Forestry and Husbandry, Animal Science, Veterinary Science, Genetics, Neurological Science, Naturopathy, Vedic Science, Homeopathic, Pathology, Physiotherapy, Radiology, Seismology, Sericulture, Taxonomy, Toxicology, Virology and any other related subject of Science.

ICROM 3.0-2024 in a Nutshell:

In today’s rapidly evolving world, there is a growing need to bridge the gap between traditional academics and the practical skills required in professional industries. This Live International Conference on  Multidisciplinary Research (ICROM 3.0-2024) serves as a critical platform for academicians and researchers to transform their educational practices and align them with the demands of the industry. This article explores the necessity of ICROM 3.0-2024 in fostering a shift towards professional, industry-based, skill-based education.

Meeting Industry Demands: The traditional academic curriculum often struggles to keep pace with the rapidly changing needs of the industry. Many academic programs focus primarily on theoretical knowledge, while the practical skills required by professionals are overlooked. ICROM 3.0-2024 offers a platform for academicians and researchers to engage in discussions with industry experts, share best practices, and gain insights into the evolving trends and demands of the professional world. This exchange of knowledge and experiences helps academics understand the practical skills that need to be incorporated into the curriculum to better prepare students for their future careers.

Bridging the Theory-Practice Gap: Theoretical knowledge alone is insufficient for success in the professional sphere. ICROM 3.0-2024 plays a crucial role in bridging the theory-practice gap by emphasizing the importance of practical, hands-on skills. The conference provides opportunities for participants to showcase innovative projects, research methodologies, and practical applications of their work. By sharing real-world case studies and success stories, academicians and researchers inspire others to integrate practical components into their educational practices. The conference also hosts workshops and training sessions that enable participants to learn and apply specific skills relevant to their fields, thereby ensuring a more holistic and industry-oriented approach to education.

Promoting Interdisciplinary Collaboration: ICROM 3.0-2024 promotes interdisciplinary collaboration among academicians, researchers, and industry professionals. This collaboration is essential for the development of comprehensive and practical educational programs. The conference serves as a platform for individuals from diverse fields to share their expertise, exchange ideas, and explore innovative approaches to teaching and learning. By breaking down disciplinary silos, ICROM 3.0-2024 encourages the integration of multiple perspectives and skill sets, leading to the creation of more holistic and industry-relevant educational models.

Encouraging Innovation and Entrepreneurship: One of the key objectives of ICROM 3.0-2024 is to foster innovation and entrepreneurship within academia. The conference encourages participants to explore practical applications of their research findings and promote the commercialization of innovative ideas. By engaging with industry professionals and entrepreneurs, academicians and researchers gain valuable insights into the skills and mindset required for successful entrepreneurship. ICROM 3.0-2024 serves as a catalyst for transforming traditional academics into an ecosystem that nurtures creativity, problem-solving, and practical implementation of knowledge.

Enhancing Employability and Career Prospects: Traditional academic programs often struggle to meet the expectations of employers, leading to a mismatch between graduates’ skills and industry requirements. ICROM 3.0-2024 addresses this issue by providing a platform for academia-industry collaboration. Through presentations, panel discussions, and networking opportunities, participants can better understand the needs of the job market and tailor their educational practices to enhance employability. By integrating industry-relevant skills and knowledge into their teaching, academicians can equip students with the competencies necessary to thrive in their chosen careers, ultimately improving their career prospects and success.

Innovation is a key driver of economic growth and societal progress. To foster meaningful advancements, it is essential to embrace multidisciplinary research and conferences that bring together experts from diverse fields. This essay highlights the significance of multidisciplinary research and conferences in developing practical, industry-based innovation.

Scope of the International Conference: ICROM 3.0-2024

Session 2: Law and Management

  • Admiralty (Maritime Law), Business Law, Criminal Law, Civil Right Law, Corporate Law, Criminal Law, Entertainment Law, Environmental Law, Family Law, Health Law, Immigration Law, Intellectual Property Law, International Law, Labor Law, Employment Law, Contract Law, Military Law, Constitutional Law, Land Law, Real Estate law, Tax law, Women Law, Child law, Property Law, Minor Law, Administration Law, Press Law, sales of Good Law, Air Law, Social Media Law, Public International Law, Torts, Excise Law, Limitation Law, Customary Law, Arbitration Law and any other subjects related topic of
  • Financial Management, Human Resource Management, Marketing Management, Information Technology Management, Operational Management, Production Management, Strategic Management, Sales management, Public Relations management, Supply Chain Management, Procurement Management, Accounting Management, R & D Management, Engineering Management, Event management, Project Management, Risk management, Change Management, Quality Management, Leadership Management, Design Management, Facility Management, Knowledge Management and any other subjects related to law.

Session 3: Humanities and Social Sciences

Anthropology, Archaeology, Communication Studies, Economics, English, History and Historiography, Human Geography, Human Rights, Linguistics, Political Science, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology,  Tourism development, Cultural studies, Development studies, Political economy, Cultural Diplomacy, Education, Geography, Industrial Relations, Library Science and Social Media, Mass Communication, Public Administration, Environmental geography, Social Work, Social Transformations, Community Development, Religion and theological studies,  Cross cultural studies, Global Perspective, Contemporary issues of developed and development countries, Foreign Policy, Sexuality, Gender and Families, Global Justice, Ethnicity, Identity, Globalization and Sustainable Development, Diaspora Studies, Social Media, Ethics and Consciousness, Role of Non Governmental Organizations, Film Studies, Food Studies, Regional Studies, Inclusive Development, International Relations, Social and Community Development,  Foreign Languages, African Studies, Regional Languages, Tribal Studies, Terrorism and Global Issues, Women Studies and any other related topic of this discipline.

Guidelines for Submission of Abstracts:

  • Relevant and complete title (ideally up to 15 words)
  • Full Names, Affiliations, Emails of author(s)
  • Research Abstract (ideally 150-300 words)
  • 3 to 5 Keywords

 Last Date of Submission of Abstract: 23rd April 2024 (08.00 pm as per IST)

Best Paper Award

The organizing committee of ICROM 3.0-2024 will select the Best Paper Award.

Moreover, ICROM 3.0 2024 allows participants to witness the intersection of different fields and the emergence of interdisciplinary approaches. This exposure cultivates a broader understanding of the interconnectedness of knowledge and the potential for collaborative solutions. Participants can explore new research avenues, gain insights into emerging trends, and identify interdisciplinary gaps that can be addressed through further investigation.


Unlocking the Future of Research: Join Us at ICROM 3.0 2024

In an era where the cross-pollination of ideas and disciplines has become the cornerstone of innovation, the International Conference on Research in Multidisciplinary (ICROM 3.0) stands as a beacon for academics, researchers, and professionals across the globe. Jointly organized by Eudoxia Research University, USA, and Eudoxia Research Centre, India, ICROM 3.0 2024 is not just an event; it’s a transformative experience designed to bridge the gaps between diverse fields of study and foster breakthroughs that resonate across boundaries.

Why ICROM 3.0 2024?

Interdisciplinary Collaboration: In today’s complex world, solutions to most pressing problems lie at the intersection of traditional disciplines. ICROM 3.0 provides a unique platform where ideas from different fields can converge, fostering interdisciplinary collaborations that pave the way for holistic innovations.

Global Networking Opportunities: The conference attracts leading academics, researchers, and innovators from around the world, offering unparalleled networking opportunities. This is your chance to connect with peers, mentors, and industry leaders, establishing relationships that can lead to future collaborations and advancements.

State-of-the-Art Research: ICROM 3.0 showcases the latest research and advancements from a wide array of disciplines. Attendees will gain insights into cutting-edge developments and methodologies that can inform their own work and spur new directions in their research.

World-Class Keynote Speakers: Hear from a lineup of eminent speakers who are at the forefront of their respective fields. These thought leaders will share their journey, research findings, and visions for the future, providing inspiration and new perspectives to attendees.

Publication Opportunities: Participants will have the opportunity to present their research to a global audience and publish their papers. This not only adds to your professional credentials but also increases the visibility of your work in the international academic community.

Cultural Exchange: ICROM 3.0 is not just about academic excellence but also cultural understanding and exchange. By bringing together participants from diverse backgrounds, the conference fosters a richer, more inclusive global research community.

Who Should Attend?

ICROM 3.0 is tailor-made for scholars, researchers, academicians, and professionals who are looking to push the boundaries of their disciplines. Whether you are in the sciences, humanities, engineering, health, or business, this conference will offer valuable insights and opportunities that align with your goals and research interests.

Join Us in Shaping the Future

As we look to the future, the importance of interdisciplinary research has never been clearer. By participating in ICROM 3.0, you are not just attending a conference; you are joining a movement towards a more integrated, collaborative, and innovative academic world.

Let’s come together to explore new horizons, challenge conventional wisdom, and build a brighter future through research and innovation. Mark your calendar for ICROM 3.0 2024 – a gathering that promises to inspire, enlighten, and empower.

ICROM 3.0 2024 is not just a conference; it’s a stepping stone towards greater achievements in your academic and professional journey. By participating, you’re investing in yourself—your knowledge, your network, and your career. In an era where change is the only constant, ICROM 3.0 offers the tools, connections, and insights you need to stay ahead and make a meaningful impact.

Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your career, expand your network, and contribute to shaping the future of multidisciplinary research. Register now to be part of this transformative experience at ICROM 3.0 2024 and take your professional journey to new heights.

Be the part of ICROM-2024


Register Under Keynote Speaker Category

Registration Fee

Opportunity to publish the research work (in English) as book chapter in the upcoming Book titled Beyond Boundaries: The Future of World Research with ISBN number as book chapter without publication fee.

Guidelines for Submission of Abstracts:

  • Relevant and complete title (ideally up to 15 words)
  • Full Names, Affiliations, Emails of author(s)
  • Research Abstract (ideally 150-300 words)
  • 3 to 5 Keywords

 Last Date of Submission of Abstract: 23rd April 2024 (08.00 pm as per IST)


Best Paper Award

The organizing committee of ICROM-3.0 2024 will select the Best Paper Award.

Review and Acceptance

The ‘Acceptance Letter’ for this International Conference ICROM 3.0-2024 will be provided on the basis of the review of the submitted ‘Abstract’ only. The review of the submitted abstract will take around 3 days.

Live Multidisciplinary International Conference

ICROM 3.0-2024

ICROM 3.0- 2024 Agenda

Day 1: Date: 26th  April (Friday) 2024

Inaugural Session A 

10:00 am- 10:15 am:  Lighting of the lamp& Welcome Speech by Hon’ble President, ERU

Inaugural Session B: 10:15 am- 10:55 am:

Welcome Speech by Vice Chancellor, Patron, ERU, USA

Address note by Convener, Organizing Secretary, Coordinator, Organizing Committee Members, Chief Guest, and Guest of Honor

Technical Session 1: Time: 11:00 am -01:00 pm:

 Presentation by Keynote Speaker:

Lunch Break: 01:00 pm- 3:00 pm:

Technical Session 2: 3:00 pm – 9:00 pm :

Royal Golden Award and Global Iconic Award Ceremony 

Keynote Speaker and Oral Presentation

Day 2: Date: 27th  April (Saturday) 2024: ICROM 3.0-2024

Technical Session 3: Time: 10:00 am – 01.00 pm:

Keynote Speaker and Oral Presentation

Lunch Break: 01:00 pm- 3:00 pm:

Technical Session 4: 3:00 pm – 9:00 pm:

Royal Golden Award and Global Iconic Award Ceremony 

Keynote Speaker and Oral Presentation 

Valedictory Session: 9.00 pm – 10.00 pm


Research Scholar Category

This is one special Registration Link for the Research Scholars in Ph.D Program only.

Academician Category

Kindly use this registration link to register under Academician Earlybird Registration Category

Keynote Speaker

All the participants in the Keynote Speaker Category in this International Conference ICROM-2024

ICROM 3.0 2024

Registration Fees:

Categories          Early Bird (Before 21th April 2024)     Regular (Before 25th April 2024) 

Research Scholar             INR 1200/USD 15                       INR 1500/USD 20

Academician                    INR 1500/USD 20                       INR 2000/USD 25

Key Note Speaker Registration can be done after receiving the Acceptance of the Abstract and Presentation only. No direct registration of Key Note Speaker can be done by any participant.

Key Note Speaker (Indian Only)      INR 2300                         INR 2500

Key Note Speaker (International)     USD 30                            USD 40

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Eudoxia Research University, New Castle, USA